Whether it’s standing position, cat and cow, child’s pose or sun salutations Connie Lozano teaches it all. She’s been an instructor fo ThriveWell’s Divas and Dude program for the last 8 years! She’s recently taken time out to teach yoga in the Middle East and we’re thrilled to welcome her back to the ThriveWell family.

Connie, tell us a bit about yourself?
I will be 53 years old In August. I have been married to the same man for 20 years in June. We don’t have any children or pets because of allergies to both… just kidding. He has 2 adult children so I have 2 beautiful grandchildren.

How did you become interested in teaching yoga to ThriveWell’s Diva and Dudes?
Honestly I cannot remember a time that I haven’t been involved with Thrivewell and I can’t imagine not teaching this group.

We hear you’ve recently spent time out in the Middle East teaching yoga. Tell us about that.
My husband got a job in Doha Qatar building racing engines for a member of the Royal family. The experience was not quite as we expected. But we managed to make great friends from all over the world.

How has yoga helped you?
Yoga continues to show me the goodness in life. And allows me to be joyful. I am able to stay calm in difficult times and turn inward and connect to my own inner strength and power when I need to.

How can it help cancer patients and survivors?
Yoga can help anyone at any age or health level. Through the practice of yoga we can become more mindful and present throughout our day. This enables us to make better choices for our own good and the good of all those around us.

If you could give your advice to someone who’s contemplating taking up yoga practice what would you say?
Do it NOW. All you have to do is breath, everything else is optional.

What is a mantra, or positive affirmation you like to life by?
Live the life you love. Love the life you live.

And, what inspires you?
Teaching yoga to those who are willing to connect to their inner goodness and let it shine. I believe its bravery that loves company!

Thank you Connie. We appreciate all that you do and look forward to seeing you in yoga.
