If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the course of the past year is this, there’s one thing that doesn’t discriminate and that’s the Big “C”, Cancer. Young, old, male, female, it doesn’t matter. It affects everyone we know. To say Cancer is life-changing would be an understatement. For those of us who are dealing… Read More
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was confused and devastated. I remember visiting the library, pulling books about breast cancer off the shelf while thinking “I can’t believe I’m checking these books out…for me.” But those books were important – they helped me to know what was happening to me and what to… Read More
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017. Hearing the words “You have cancer” is life-changing. In 2015 I went for my regular health check up (from head to toe) and unfortunately there was a lump on my left breast which was palpable. Therefore, I was sent to get a mammogram and sonogram too. When… Read More