Diana Pulido’s Cancer Journey I made it 49 years without a single surgery. Then it all changed. I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer, ductal carcinoma. My journey began October 2009 with a routine yearly mammogram. I had begun getting mammograms at age 40. There was no family history, except this time the mammogram… Read More

Meet ThriveWell Survivor Maria Gonzales 13 years ago I learned I had cancer. I had ignored the following signs and symptoms: 🔹 Fatigue 🔹 Bloating, I thought I was pregnant 😞 🔹Lower back pain 🔹Irregular periods I attributed the symptoms to something else even though I had had them for a few months. If only… Read More

Meet some of ThriveWell’s Diva&Dude Instructors Lindsey Merrifield I am originally from Houston and have lived in San Antonio for 6 years. I am an animal lover and have a dog. I am a certified Pilates instructor, as well as a certified health coach. I have been teaching Pilates for a year and a half and… Read More